MIT Seal
The MIT seal, adopted in 1894, embodies the educational vision of our founders. Representing the union of knowledge and practice, the seal’s elements include the craftsman, scholar, Mens et manus (mind and hand) motto, and year of our founding.

The MIT seal is a historical symbol that should be reserved for ceremonial use, such as on diplomas or certificates. Files of the seal are provided upon request for approved uses.
The seal may be used in MIT red, black, or white only.
Minimum size
Print: 2.5"
Digital: 300 px
The minimum size ensures that the seal reproduces well. The “Massachusetts Institute of Technology” lettering on the seal itself must be legible.
To request the MIT seal
- If you are within the MIT community or an approved vendor working on behalf of MIT, contact and specify how you would like to use the seal.
- If you are a licensed MIT vendor who would like to use the seal on MIT-branded merchandise, contact

Do use the seal in MIT red, black, or white only.